1st March Celebrations
1st March Baba Marta Day
February icicle
Here we are at the start of April and no post from us for February or March. Well let me explain February was a very dull and cold month with much snow that lasted for a long time so we did not get the chance to get out at all much so nothing much to report to you. We did have a village horse race to celebrate horse and donkey day. On the 1 March we went to the Baba Marta celebrations in Stara Zagora it was a fine day and the celebration was better than last year. Many more people where there and many more taking part there were also visitors from other countries at the celebration and this was splendid. The day turned out to be warm and sunny and everyone from young to old enjoyed the festivities. Baba Marta has seen fit since then to deposit more snow on us in March and the last snows where here until 22 March. Funny really the Storks come back to Bulgaria in March and they usually arrive to sunny warm weather but this year they arrived back on the 19 march to snow on the ground. What a welcome when they had flown all the way from Africa to be meet with snow in Bulgaria. April has had a much better start and the days have been warm and sunny long may it continue is what we say. The Credit Crunch and the global financial climate is taking it's toll here for the ex pats in Bulgaria. Those who came here and were living from the interest of saved money are now finding it a bit of a struggle. Many are reported to be heading back the UK. We are no different than many and we are having to rethink what we do and the way we do things. No way do we wish to return to the UK so much of our time in the last month or so has been planing what and when we can do things to make it better for us to survive here in the current financial climate. I will keep you posted on what happens in the next few months . The blossoms are fantastic and the mountains are a wash with colour from all the blossoms and the little plants that show themselves this time of year. yellows, whites, pinks, and purple plants adorn the mountain and the birds are singing, as are the frog that are now in the pond at the back of the house. The noise from them at night is really something. So all in all the spring is here and the thoughts turn to long hot summer days to come ( we hope). Hilary is taking a trip back to visit family in April so we will return with the blog after her return to Rock House mid April. We have been lucky also we have a long term rental coming in April so this will be pleasant to have guests about Rock House all summer. Well until next time take care and enjoy spring or whatever season it is where you are. See you all at the end of April.
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