Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 2008 Celebrations and Heatwave

Village Rush Hour

Bee Keeping Bulgarian Style

Our Good Friend in Bulgarian Costume

Once again this month has been very hot. Also it is a quiet month as many Bulgarians take holidays in the month of August. With the heat comes a few problems one of which is a lack of water. The other problem is there have been some fires. Everything is very dry and one careless move can cause a nasty fire. There was one such fire about 38k from where we live it was a big fire that took the army to help to control. Because of the lack of water we have had to let some of our crops go, this is a shame but we had to make some harsh decisions . It is all part of the learning for us. We know next year we have to get our irrigation system for our crops sorted out. This we can do with the help and advice of our Bulgarian friends and neighbours.
The Chickens here at Rock House are doing well but still no eggs come on girls it must soon be time for that egg. I will keep you posted. This month we celebrated our good friends name day it was fun and Hilary also had a birthday so it was a joint celebration. We ate and drank outside in true Bulgarian fashion. A great time was had by all of us.
Here in Bulgaria there is some of the best honey we have ever tasted. Our friend and neighbour has hives in a field at the back of our house. I am showing you the way he does his bee keeping here in Bulgaria!!!!!!!!.