Well here we are at the end of August where does the time go? September is upon us and the autumn is just around the corner. We had our first rain in months two days ago but it only lasted for a couple of hours. We have all our crops in now nothing left in the garden. I am afraid some of the crops suffered from a lack of water. However we have a freezer full of our garden produce, and a store cupboard full with preserves, jams, compote, sauces, and chutney. It is always very rewarding to know you have planted grown and picked everything and then made food for the winter months.
It was not all work here in August we took some time out and went to see more of Bulgaria. We drove to some very pretty areas with the most beautiful mountains. Again we visited some of the spa resorts. Such pretty places and reasonable prices to indulge yourself in the waters & treatments. All this to do and see right here in our area. We have enjoyed seeing more of this beautiful country and all it has to offer. The Bulgarian people remain warm and friendly and inspirational. They have taught us so much since we arrived here 27 months ago. We are still learning, this year my wood pile did not fall down thanks to being shown the correct way to stack my logs. Yes there is a right and wrong way............................................... Well my friends that is all for this month. We will see you at the end of September.
It was not all work here in August we took some time out and went to see more of Bulgaria. We drove to some very pretty areas with the most beautiful mountains. Again we visited some of the spa resorts. Such pretty places and reasonable prices to indulge yourself in the waters & treatments. All this to do and see right here in our area. We have enjoyed seeing more of this beautiful country and all it has to offer. The Bulgarian people remain warm and friendly and inspirational. They have taught us so much since we arrived here 27 months ago. We are still learning, this year my wood pile did not fall down thanks to being shown the correct way to stack my logs. Yes there is a right and wrong way............................................... Well my friends that is all for this month. We will see you at the end of September.