The Family in the Barn
Here we are at the end of July where does the time go? As you all know we at Rock House took a break. We went out and about. We thought it was time to have a break and see some different areas. We have enjoyed our time away from the house and garden. Although we only did day trips as we still have our animals to think about. This summer there has been some very strange weather. We have had many thunder storms and some very heavy rains. After these it became very hot, however this year the heat came with much humidity. Even our Bulgarian neighours were saying how different this years weather has been. On our travels we visited some beautiful countryside in the Stara Planina and Sredna Gora mountains. It was beautiful to see the mountains ,in this area there are many Spa Resorts. The waters are taken for healing many aliments, the air is fresh and clean. There are many pretty villages nestling in the foothills. Closer to home we have had many different creatures appear this year many insects we have not seen before. We have seen locust here in Bulgaria for the first time. Our own animals have been finding the heat of the day difficult to cope with. However they are clever they find the shade in the day and sleep and go out and about at night. The crops in the garden have been harvested and we have made the preserves for Winter. Our freezer stock is making good progress. The vegetables are all gathered and stored in the freezer for Winter. It is hard to think about Winter when it is so very hot, but we are making plans for the Winter stores of food and logs it will soon be here and the snows will return. The birds have had their young and are making sure the new little ones are feed and ready for the long flights to warmer climates in the Winter. We are going into our third August here in Bulgaria, we have seen changes and progress over this time. The beauty of the country is still a source of amazement to us there is so much to see and we will try to see more of the country very soon. Until next time take care all of you.